Equipment used for calibrating or checking load cells and force sensors fall into two categories, depending on the application and capacities required:

  • Dead weight Calibration Kits:

A deadweight calibration kit consists of a loading stand, Class F test weights, and weight pan. Weight kits are typically used for applications up to 250 lbf for ease of loading, but custom capacities are available.

Sensors requiring calibration are installed in the loading stand using appropriate fixtures and adapters, and weights are hung on a weight pan to apply a known load to the sensor. The loading stand is designed to enable compression and tension loading.

  • Load Cell Calibration Kits:

A load cell calibration kit consists of a precision load cell with a digital indicator to readout directly in engineering units. Load cell-based kits are typically used for applications exceeding 250 lbf.

Load cell kits can be included with or without loading equipment to apply the calibration loads to the sensor requiring calibration. In many cases, the reference load cell can be installed in the customer’s testing machine or press to apply loads, using appropriate fixtures and adapters.